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Wednesday, January 4, 2012


15/365: I have turned into something like a creature of habit when I'm at work. Before the winter catalog opened at Dunkin Donuts, I would always get a sugar raised donut and an orange juice, but now that it's nippy enough for warm drinks to be necessary, I've been getting mint hot chocolate--HEAVENLY.

Anyway, aside from that, today was completely out of the ordinary for me. It was the first time I was working my new schedule from 4am to 12pm, a whole 15 minutes later than what I normally work but actually made a huge difference because it allots 15 extra minutes for sleep which is pretty much life changing.

Keeping in line with doing things differently, I did something completely out of the ordinary and called people today. I know, it's a simple thing, but it's not something I do very often and it felt so...weird, but in a great way. I had a funny conversation with an old girlfriend of mine and then later had a more necessary talk with an old guy friend who gave me some verses to look at and offered some encouragement after I had a quarter-life crisis which I'll probably address tomorrow because I feel like everyone can relate to the 20-something quarter-life crisis where we're forced to think about our middleness while our friends sometimes are getting way further ahead of us (you know, engagements, marriages, babies, that whole deal and let's not even talk about the whole...finding the job you actually want thing...but like I said, that's for tomorrow...not today.)

Back to this post though...I love my mint hot chocolates. They taste like happiness and I can't wait to have another one tomorrow morning while I muse over whatever is happening in the news at 5 am.

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