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Saturday, December 31, 2011

late gifts

I debated long and hard whether or not I really wanted this picture to represent today…I mean, it is the last day of the year, generally the picture one would assume is being taken has more to do with the celebration the person is having or the end of their year or whatever else, but I really wanted to take this picture because it has some meaning and who knows, maybe it'll end up being a perfect way to end the year because it stands for a possible new beginning? Who knows, let me not read too far into it. Anyway...onto the picture:

11/365: I refuse to ever say that good men who listen, have manners, and possess a good sense of humor don't exist. They do. In real, every day life. I received a Christmas gift from my date last night that proved his genuine interest in me (though that wasn't something I was questioning) and showed that he truly, honestly listens...and truth be told, I made it easy...but that's neither here nor there. 

This is my first Christmas gift from a man who is interested in me--or at least the first one that has had enough impact that I know I'll want to remember it. Francine Rivers is one of my favorite authors, her books are based on Biblical history and made into Christian literature and they are hard hitting, my favorite being Redeeming Love--super amazing. Anyway, this book has five novellas that each tell a story about a woman that God chose, in this case the subjects are Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba, and Mary...of the five, I'm most looking forward to Rahab and Bathsheba. 

I'm really looking forward to reading this and I'm also looking forward to what happens with this man. As far as what I'm doing for New Year's Eve, well this also kinda ties into my plan since the only thing I have planned for sure is going to church with my sister though I'm sure we'll have other things that we'll be doing afterwards. All that being said, I hope you have a great time celebrating the new year! I might be posting some more stuff today, we'll see what the day has in store by way of having time for anything else. 

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