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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

tin tin and other family friendly things

I've been to the movies three times this week, thankfully not on my own dime, especially when you consider how expensive these things are getting. Today, my grandfather suggested I take my younger sister out to the movies, so I decided to watch The Adventures of Tin-Tin with her. Quite an enjoyable flick, cute and fast paced to keep your attention…almost too fast paced at the beginning, of course, I've never read the comic so maybe it's supposed to be like that? Regardless, it was a treat to watch.

…and from previews, I can tell that I'll be going broke in 2012 with all the movies that I'll be seeing, very exciting! I love, love, love movies, so I'm excited to get to check some out as well as get some good reading done.

I decided that another thing I should tack on my to-do list with resolutions is having a better relationship with family and friends. I'm actually really terrible at communicating, which is comical to me considering my desire to be a journalist, but I would like to get better. I blame it on my tendency to get bored with people. I hate talking to people on the phone, I don't necessarily even like being around people, not unless there's a purpose behind our being together--I suppose that would make me anti-social, but I would never be characterized as such because I seem really pleasant around others. Anyway, I decided to try my hand at being a better big sister and introduced my sister to Linkin Park, circa their Hybrid Theory days--sigh, back when things were easy. To my delight, she loves them. Thank you, Lord--because if she didn't, I might have to disown her.

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