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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

alone time

14/365: As awesome as people can be sometimes and as great as I like to think I am at handling situations that call for being around a lot of people, I actually really like being alone. Maybe it's because I've gotten so comfortable with being online rather than having real awkward encounters that can't be dismissed by clicking a little circular button with an x in the center. Ah, well...the joys of a virtual existence...shattered by the harsh reality of human contact.

I digress, today I took myself to the movies after a near 24 hour search for my car keys that somehow ended up inside a purse that I hadn't used in 3 days. I was confused as to how they ended up there too. The real question though: How does George Clooney manage to stay so sexy? Does the man never age? Actually, it's not even that he doesn't age, it's just that he wears his age so daggone well. 

Seriously. Who can say no to this man? Certainly not mere ol' mortal me. Not with my weak spot for a man who looks good in a suit and even better with a beard. He just is eternally attractive, and not just that, but he's so brutally honest about the fact that he's never gonna get married again--and I respect that. So it's a DOUBLE WHAMMY--I respect him AND I find him undeniably attractive. And let's not even address his humanitarian work. Lawdhamercy. 

After all that swooning, I'm sure you know what movie I saw: The Descendants. The dramedy was actually really good and did a great job of showing the grief of losing a loved one, the whole other life concept was good too. It's not something that I'm raving about and saying everyone must see, but it was definitely an enjoyable flick.

Anyway, going to the movies today proved to be a bit different than what I'm used to because the theatre I normally go to wasn't showing the movie, so I had the pleasure of visiting a different one...and let me say, it was worth the extra 8 minutes it took to get there. With matinee prices at $7.50, seats that go back, a lovely relaxed vibe, and a grown-up lounge area (as opposed to the video games that so often populate movie theatres to appease the children that crowd the area) I felt at home. Definitely somewhere I'll be going more often, especially considering the likelihood that I'll be able to see some of the more "artsy" "indie" flicks here. 

So exclusive.


  1. your personality comes through so well in your writing (: reading this post made me smile! HAPPY NEW YEAR, you and going to the movies alone is something i've always thought to be rather sad but have found to be actually quite a joy! i haven't done it in awhile though...

  2. thank you so much! reading this comment made me smile, lol. happy new year to you as well, yes, yes...please go to the movies alone and write about it on confetti rain--which by the way is an awesome name that I wish I had the creativity to come up with, but alas...I stuck with alliteration wompity womp.

  3. you are too cute. lol. i suppose i'm quite redundant with the happy new year wishings .___. also, nothing wrong with alliteration! ♥
