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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

blank slate

I love fresh starts...there's something about starting over that has a strength to it. I was feeling a bit claustrophobic on my old blog--and while it's still active, I realize that it's my safe place and after having it for a few months, I've realized that it's not where I want to be because it isn't an accurate depiction of me. I can't be as personal as I'd like because honestly, I'd love to be able to look back at these entries and say, yes, this is what I was feeling, I can't say that fully with my site.

It's not that there are too many eyes, it's just the eyes that are looking aren't the ones that I want on my stuff. Strangely enough, linking things to my Facebook wasn't my smartest choice--who knew? Well, I did--but I didn't realize there'd be so much that I would want to talk about but have to keep to myself, honestly it's difficult juggling an explicit existence when some know your more modest demeanor. Actually, it's tiring.

I'm at a crossroads of sorts as I delve into 2012 preparing to take more care of myself financially, physically, and spiritually, but I'm far from where I want to be in all those categories...I don't even want to think about the other things that plague my psyche such as my life romantically--that in and of itself is just dizzying.

All that being said, it's a fresh start. Hallelujah, holla back.

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