By technical standards, this picture is on time. I took it yesterday and somehow forgot to post it--my procrastination is a real problem. Anyway, this is my first picture for my 365 project, it's me, plain and simple, and it makes sense that this would be my first picture, I mean, it's my blog, it's about me, and the pictures are showing me so it just...I'm not sure why I'm explaining this to you, but anyway, this is just one thing that I'm going to finish in this year-long period and I cannot wait.
In other news, my date last night went well and he continues to prove to me that chivalry isn't dead. Never have I ever had the opportunity to be so spoiled and it's great. It's funny because he's showing me the difference between saying you're a "nice guy" and what it means to actually be a nice guy. So many dudes seem to think that being a nice guy means giving the girl whatever she wants, but that's being a doormat. Crazy. I've dated many doormats in my day and while that's a lot of fun to an extent, it's also a good amount of work, why? someone who doesn't have their own brain can be annoying. If you're just going along with whatever I say, I get bored and this guy, he's not that. He's shown me that when it comes down to it, a nice guy is really just a gentleman. Period. He has truly raised the bar on what I expect and want out of a man and thanks to him, if our third date is our last, I may never be happy again because I've yet to meet a man who steps up in the way this guy does.
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