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Thursday, December 22, 2011

take care

I've really fallen hard for Drake's new CD and especially his new single of the same title, Take Care. I found out the other day that he chose the song with Rihanna to be next and I kinda freaked a little because the song just resonates with me...I know, that calls for some serious judgment, but hear me out on this.

I've asked about you and they told me things
But my mind didn't change yet, I still felt the same

What's a life without fun, please don't be ashamed
I've had mine, you've had yours, we both know, we know

Those lines really meant a lot to me, mostly because I've been the girl in this situation. I've been the girl that a guy had to take care of because someone broke my heart and then I put it all on them...and to say I didn't have the most pristine reputation would be a bit of an understatement...I don't even want to go into it. Anyway, this part of the song, as well as others, really got to me.

I've never been a huge Drake fan, but I've found myself really liking him more and more recently because he's just...relatable. Where Kanye and Jay-Z purposely went out of their way to show off their money in Watch the Throne, Drake has been finding more and more ways to humanize his music and even when he's talking irrationally (like, I'm not dropping 50K on my friends and fam, I don't have a single K to drop...on anything...if I had it, I'd need to drop it on my credit card payment lawdhamercy) he still has a way of making it very...real. I appreciate that.

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